The 27th International Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Processing & Packaging Technology Exhibition

The global pharmaceutical market was worth USD 934.8 billion in 2017 and will reach USD 1,170 billion by 2021, with an annual growth rate of 5.8%. America is leading this market growth, followed by Asia Pacific with 21.5% market share. South East Asia is the frontrunner of this Asian growth, with its value estimated at USD 40 billion by 2020.

Consumer behavior in the pharmaceutical market has changed in recent years and the pressure has increased for manufacturers. More consumers are looking for information on side effects, as well as smaller packaging, convenience and durability when purchasing pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers need to continue improving their technology and knowledge to ensure they stay ahead of the increasing competition. Source for new modern production and packaging solutions at PharmaTechAsia in ProPak Asia. Meet industry leaders and international manufacturing technology experts who will be able to offer assistance in the manufacturing process.

2019 PharmaTechAsia Featured Exhibitors