Travel Information

If you would like to apply for a tourist visa, you’d try the eVisa service which has been launched. Please note that visa on arrival service is not applicable to tourist visa and we urge all overseas visitors to prepare the necessary application and documents before arrival in Yangon. MOIP is also pleased to announce that eVisa is now extended to 32 more countries. Please click here for more information.
For more details, please visit

March is hot and dry.
Exhibitors are expected to dress in normal business attire.For Ministerial meetings a suit and tie would be appropriate.

The food in Myanmar is delicious, fresh and tasty. It’s considered rude to eat with the left hand as this is the hand used for personal hygiene. So eating — as well as giving money — is always done with the right hand.

Myanmar might be on the hot list of places to visit, but visitors should be wary of touching down in Yangon without a hotel reservation.
The surge in visitor numbers in the last few years has vastly outstripped hotel room supply, and the city is struggling to meet demand.
It’s an issue that’s not going away any time soon — the major hotel shortage is expected to continue for the next five to 10 years. So please reserve your hotel early for the show to prevent disappointment later.

Burmese/Myanmar (0fficial) and English.
Myanmar is a union of over 100 national races with their own languages and dialects, The major races are Bamar, Chin, Kachin, Shan, Kayah, Kayin, Mon and Rakhine.

Myanmar embraces all the national races. The majority culture is primarily Buddist and Bamar making up about 70%.

230V, 50Hz

There are few ATMs in Myanmar, so visitors need to bring plenty of U.S. dollars. The higher the denomination, the better the exchange rate. This whole stack of kyat (pronounced “chat”) is worth about US$20.
Only pristine US$50 and US$100 notes are accepted and only US$ 200 can be changed daily.
On 6th August 2013 AGD Bank was selling US$1=980 kyats, EUR1=1304 kyats, SGD1=772 kyats.
Widely practised in addition to hotel and restaurant service charges shown on bills.